G&M is a Claims Management firm and we can assist you in making any accident related claim. If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim. G&M offers a panel of specialist personal injury solicitors with experience and expertise with various types of accident claims. Dealing with the most common types of accidents including vehicle damage, road traffic accidents as a driver, passenger or pedestrian, accidents at work as a result of poor training or equipment and slip or trips in a shop or public area.
We are experienced with various circumstances surrounding an accident, allowing you to speak to the right expert so that they can look at your situation and advise you on whether you can expect to be successful in getting compensation for your injury.
If you have suffered any injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, you can claim for that. This can be either physical (e.g. a broken arm or leg, muscle pain) or psychological (e.g. post-traumatic stress) and you can also claim for any financial losses (e.g. Loss of earnings, damage to property or vehicle) as a result of an accident.
Our Services
Car Accident
You may be entitled to make a car accident claim for compensation when you have suffered an injury in a road traffic accident which was clearly the fault of the other party.
Personal Injury
If you’ve suffered a personal injury in the last three years that wasn’t your fault and feels wrong, we can help you make it right with a compensation claim.
Recovery of your car from the scene of accident & providing replacement car on the same day.
Maximum Personal Injury Compensation
Claim for Loss of Earning and other accident-related losses